King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning: Right and Reverse Reading

A true master of his feelings, the King of Cups is always calm, cool and collected. He is not fazed by a stormy sea of ​​emotions or the great depth of calm waters. He lets every feeling wash over him with ease and confidence because he knows he can handle anything he has to face. The King of Cups is a very nice guy. He has a quiet confidence, immense compassion for others, and he lacks pretension because he has nothing to prove to anyone.

An excellent leader and mentor who doesn’t need to brag about his abilities, the King of Cups understands his emotions and channels them into his creative endeavors. Yes, this king rules with his heart, but he also knows how to listen to his mind to create a sense of serene balance amid chaos. He understands his emotions and impulses, but he does not succumb to them.

When a court card (i.e. king, queen, knight or page) appears in a tarot reading, it often points to someone we already know or someone we are. about to meet. Or it shows us how to embody this energy in order to navigate our current situation.

The Cosmo Tarot: The Ultimate Deck and Guide

The King of Cups

Emotional maturity, compassion, calm, confidence, balance between head and heart, healer

The king of cups

Alright baby… take a deep breath. Sometimes situations are beyond your control, but no matter what is happening right now, you have this. Take a moment to assess what’s going on before you act impulsively or erratically (hello, that’s only going to lead to major regrets or saying something you can’t take back!). Lean into your emotions and feel your way through it in order to plan your next move.

Follow your intuition and listen to your heart. Yes, it’s an emotional time, but don’t let the intensity of all those feelings consume you! Take your time before answering. And remember to have immense patience for yourself and others as you navigate through the chaos. You can handle anything that happens to you!

The King of Upside-Down Cups

Major drama alert! When the King of Cups appears upside down, his dark side is revealed. He is emotionally unavailable, insensitive and immature. He acts on impulse without caring how his actions may affect anyone else. Moody and unpredictable, this guy is a chaotic storm that disrupts everything in its path. Have you ever seen a rock star throw a tantrum and destroy a dressing room backstage because something was wrong with him or the sound was muted? It’s the energy here. Beware of this one, as he can be quite manipulative and insincere with his feelings.

Feeling overwhelmed? Do not be afraid of your emotions and do not repress them. Bottling everything up will only escalate the pressure and erupt into an epic emotional meltdown. Feel all of this as you face your current situation and move forward. If you need help, reach out to a friend or professional who can provide emotional support and advice.

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