Tarot reading from September 12 to 18, 2022 for all signs of the zodiac

Ram: Tarot : ace of swords

It’s time to remove your past from your life. It will help you release whatever is blocking your path. You may need to channel emotional maturity and confidence to take bold action this week. You currently have strong energy supporting you and this will help you have razor-sharp clarity. The universe is waiting for you to offer you the best. Financial abundance is on the cards.

Bull: Tarot : wands page

This period will increase your self-confidence and energy level. You have the ability to invite mental and physical healing, which includes letting go of any fears you may have. You will be brimming with ideas and feel empowered to make important decisions without hesitation. Treat life as a mystery that unfolds step by step and manifest yourself by saying “I now release all that blocks me, I invite abundance”. Don’t let your age stop you from pursuing something.

Gemini: Tarot : queen of cups

You may have been emotionally overwhelmed by a difficult incident in your life. This incidence is behind you. You are allowed to honor your feelings, to feel that difficult feeling in your heart, to acknowledge it, and to let it go. The next step is to move on and be bold and fearless. Look at the big picture. Focus on your career because you will feel ambitious. Your desire to achieve something great will lead you to success.

Cancer: Tarot : Lovers

Love is in the air, dear Cancerians. It is possible to meet that special someone and heal existing relationships. You will get the answers you need if you probe correctly. However do not be impatient, wait and watch your words. Look at the bigger picture and stay practical and cautious without getting carried away by raw emotions. Excellent time to start a new health regimen. This is the week to also fall in love with your physical body.

Leo: Tarot : Knight of Pentacles

You seem to have devoted hard work to your projects and your career. The effort will show great results. Those looking for a new financial opportunity will succeed. However, this week it’s time to slow down the focus on your personal life a bit. Singles might meet that special someone, and those in existing relationships will see a fresh start. Home life will also be very satisfying. It’s time to enjoy some peace and quiet with your loved ones. Let your feelings flow.

Virgin: Tarot : Strength

It’s time to take a break to rest and relax. Get rid of all unwanted people and things in your life. Release all pent up negative energy in your mind and body. Your creation blocks will be removed this week. Think carefully before making important decisions. You might go through a glow during this time and people will notice an improvement in your energy. Show patience and empathy. Mindfulness and yoga will create wonders.

Libra: tarot card: Three of Pentacles

Jobs and finances will be at the center of your concerns this week. Look at the big picture and plan your long-term career goals in detail. It’s time to work with a team and people from diverse backgrounds and expertise. In your personal life, you may be faced with a choice that will confuse you. Listen to your heart. A difficult emotional situation will be resolved this week.

Scorpio: Tarot : Nine of Pentacles

There are major positive changes ahead in your work, career, and finances. Your hard work will pay off. You could make a major purchase with your savings. A long-held wish could come true. Treat yourself to all the best things life has to offer. Beware of people from your past approaching you for something. A new beginning is coming for you, so let go of all unnecessary energies in your life.

Sagittarius: Tarot : knight of wands

This is a very fortuitous time for you. Make the most of your surging energy and enthusiasm. Take inspired action fearlessly, but not without patiently working out the details. You will recognize your true value in love. There is a great opportunity for emotional healing, satisfaction, and romance. Those in existing relationships will see an improvement in physical intimacy.

Capricorn: Tarot : The sun

A difficult cycle in your life is ending. It’s time to congratulate yourself on your resilience and determination. You will be able to recover your power and energy. Make the most of this happy time. There is plenty of abundance coming your way. A new financial opportunity may be available to you. Those who suffer from health problems will see healing.

Aquarius: Tarot : The idiot

There are major shifts and changes happening in your life. These are changes over which you will have no control. You may have healed from your past. Now is the time to be confident, know your worth, and take your first steps towards a new life. You will be tempted to stick to your past, trust divine detours instead. This week you must manifest saying “I am enough and I deserve the best things life has to offer”.

Pisces: Tarot : Eight of Pentacles

Work and finances are on your mind this week. You will have the potential to manifest new beginnings in your financial stability. There is an opportunity to learn a new skill or trade that will help you earn more money in the future. Patience is the key to success. In love, you will observe a win-win situation. Let go of your fears. Leave the details of your love life to divine energy.

White Sage Tarot Deck

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