Weekly tarot card reading horoscope by sign, June 27, 2022

You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your sun sign! Here’s what I do: shuffle my tarot deck and take out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus a general card for everyone so you can get specific advice on your personality. Let’s go!


We all get stuck in our own head from time to time. Sometimes you have to change your point of view to see how you can move forward. Hangman urges all of us to look at the areas where we feel stuck and look at them from another angle, through a different lens, and with an alternate perspective. The answers lie in the world, not in your own mind. Get off the beaten track.


the star tarot card showing a diamond in the shape of a star with lips on it

Property of Hearst

The star is a card about blessings and good fortune, Aries, so you’re in for a fantastic week. All it asks is that you A) focus on something you want to happen and B) make clear progress towards manifesting that thing for yourself. Take one small step, and the universe will reward you with the opportunity to take one giant leap. Good fortune awaits, but you must show it where to go.


a hand holds seven golden pens on a diamond background

Property of Hearst

Trust doesn’t come easily to you, Taurus, because you observe too closely, think too deeply, and know how fragile, imperfect, and fickle others can be. The shady Seven of Swords asks you to use your caution and wisdom this week and avoid any potential drama. If you are TOO open, vulnerable, or exposed this week, others might take advantage. You know who I’m talking about. Keep to yourself let this shadow pass you by.

GEMINI: Ace of Cups

ace of cups tarot card

Property of Hearst

A lot of times people don’t associate you with romance, but they’re wrong about you, Gemmy. In fact, you love romantic getaways because you can act out a fantasy and practice your famous flirtatious charm. The Ace of Cups sees a new love coming into your world (or if you’re already in a relationship, it could be a new friend). It could be a creative and dreamy water sign (Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio). Go ahead and dive into this relationship, because it has great potential.


nine of wands tarot card

Property of Hearst

The longer you stare at this problem (without doing anything about it), the bigger, uglier, and scarier it will seem to you. You are literally petrifying to paralysis right now. So the Nine of Wands is there to rub your back, tell you it’ll be fine, and kick you in the direction of whatever obstacle you need to overcome. I promise you can do it, easier and faster than you think. It’s not as bad as you fear. Finish with!


the Nine of Pentacles tarot card, showing nine arched clocks over a diamond and an eye

Property of Hearst

You’re known for living in the moment, Leo. Your spontaneity suits you well because you have the charm and intelligence to make it happen, even when you make bad decisions (most weekends…). However, the Nine of Pentacles is coming this week, and you feel like you need to make long-term, solid, financial, and career-focused plans for yourself. Where are you going? What do you want? How can you get there? Get to work. You can design the life of your dreams, and it starts here.


the ace of pentacles tarot card, showing a hand holding a golden clock

Property of Hearst

Slow, steady, and controlled movements are always your game plan, Virgo. Acting recklessly, not knowing all the information…ugh, just thinking about it makes you nauseous. So do what you do best this week: Develop a careful plan of attack to pursue a long-held ambition in work, money, home, or health. The Ace of Pentacles blesses any long-term investment you make this week with success and prosperity, so choose something good!


the Eight of Swords tarot card, showing eight golden pens lined up behind two eyes

Property of Hearst

You’re going around in circles about something you want to be different, but at the same time, you don’t want to do anything different yourself. You wish you had a magic wand that you could wave to fix everything! Well, the Eight of Swords suggests you can do just that. You just need to change your mind. Adapt your gaze. Adjust your expectations. When you feel differently, you act differently and things happen differently, it’s a chain reaction. Work on your mindset this week.


the queen of cups tarot card, showing an outstretched hand holding a goblet of gold

Property of Hearst

Emotions are heightened this week, and your feelings run even deeper than normal. And you’re already the ~deepest~ sign of the zodiac, so we’re talking about record levels of intensity here! The Queen of Cups asks you to nurture and protect your well-being this week. Breathe deeply and slowly, rest and take good care of yourself. Everything is fine. No need to panic or act recklessly. Take your time, absorb all the information and talk about it. Be careful, because your emotions are not always entirely reliable.


three of cups tarot card

Property of Hearst

Sagittarius, I’m going to make you very happy with this prediction: it’s time to PARTY. The Three of Cups brings good vibes to your world and gives you full permission to do whatever you want. You only live once! Call your friends, make exciting plans, and live this week to the fullest. Create magical memories.


the Nine of Cups tarot card, showing nine cups arranged over a pair of eyes like a crown

Property of Hearst

What a great week awaits you, Cap! You deserve it. The delicious Nine of Cups passes by to grant you a wish. Something you’ve been dreaming about has the potential to manifest in real life this week. Make sure you have a goal and do something to achieve it, and the rest will follow. Don’t let your daydreams stay in your head; pop them out and activate them. You deserve a major break, and it’s coming.


the tarot card the page of wands, showing a golden key next to a diamond

Property of Hearst

You’re no stranger to spontaneity, Aquarius. You tend to live in the moment and go with the flow. The week ahead is going to be very busy, as many new invitations and opportunities come your way, and you are likely to get involved in most of them. Not everything will turn out to be something (or someone) with long-term potential, but it’s worth a try. You have nothing to lose, do you? Also watch out for exciting and energetic fire signs (Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius)!


the moon tarot card showing a hand holding a full moon

Property of Hearst

The Moon is a powerful card of mystery and illusion. It serves as a message to stay put and take a break. You still don’t know everything you NEED to know before you can move in the right direction. Important information will surface this week, and it could change your mind and your outlook. Don’t make major moves without doing your homework, asking questions, and doing some research. Look deeper.

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