Weekly tarot card reading horoscope, September 13, 2021

You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your sun sign! Here’s what I do: shuffle my tarot deck and take out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so you can get specific advice on your personality. Let’s go!


Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite Bridge

Hold on to your hats, ppl, because the King of Wands is getting us ready for action. Expect travel, adventure, and risk-taking when this king comes to town. Make this week unforgettable! Whatever your project, make it bigger and bolder. Whatever you are already doing, do more. Whatever decision you have deliberated on, make it. This week is a time to take risks and live big. The cosmos will reward you!


the tarot card for the seven swords a man carries five swords, with two other swords standing beside him

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Play cool with people you’re unsure of this week, Aries, because the Seven of Swords is waving a little red flag. Some people are shady. Some situations can turn out to be a trap. Some temptations will not lead you to a destination that is right for you. This week, if you have doubts about someone/something, avoid them. This shadow will soon pass, but better safe than sorry, right?


the Four of Swords tarot card, showing a person lying on a coffin in a church possibly dead with one sword below them and three above them

Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite Bridge

You’ll love the Four of Swords, Taurus, because the cosmos gives you permission to get away from the stresses of everyday life. Yes, you can relax and unwind this week – in fact, you need it. Life has been busy lately, and the Four of Swords pops up when you need a break. Take the time to recharge your batteries this week.


the ten wands tarot card, showing a man from behind, holding a stack of ten giant wooden sticks in his arms

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

The Ten of Wands reveals that you’re on the verge of burning out, Gemini, and need to make long-term changes to lighten your load. Remember that less is more. Go back to basics and redefine your priorities. Separate the must-haves from the nice-to-haves. Schedule time to deal with contingencies and their consequences. You have this.


the death of the tarot card, showing a skeleton in armor riding a white horse, carrying a black flag showing a white flower a man in clerical robes and two children stand in front of the skeleton

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Don’t panic, Cancer! The Death card indicates that transformation awaits you. Something in your life is coming to a natural end. You think about what’s next and start anticipating your next chapter. You are in the “liberation” stage. Take your time, and better yet, enjoy this process. It is inevitable, necessary and positive. To evolve!


the Seven of Cups tarot card, showing the silhouette of a person looking down at seven golden cups supported by clouds the cups are filled with different objects including a small person under a sheet, a snake and a pile of jewels

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

It all starts in the head. All new plans, decisions and adventures start as an idea. Where our attention goes, our energy flows! The Seven of Cups brings you incredible ideas and ideas this week, Leo. You might even make game-changing decisions that shape the rest of your life. Pay attention to your daydreams, because one of them will transform your world.


the Three of Cups tarot card, showing three white women in robes dancing in a circle, each holding a golden cup

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Virgo, I have good news! The Three of Cups is a cosmic pass for fun. We’re here for a while, not for long. Indulge in your favorite pleasures with your favorite people this week. Remember how full and joyful your life can be. You work so hard. Give yourself a frivolous week, Virgo, and really savor the good times. You need it.


illustration, art, fictional character,

Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite Bridge

The Sun is the most positive card in the tarot. It represents a kind of ~portal~ in front of you, through which you can enter a new world, a good one. Who wouldn’t want that? The only thing you need to move forward is self-confidence. Believe in yourself and take a bold step towards something you really want. The universe is watching.


the tarot card the Two of Swords, showing a blindfolded person in a white robe holding two crossed swords in front of him

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

There’s a late decision hanging over you, Scorpio. The Two of Swords only comes into play when we procrastinate. That means you have to come down one way or the other, and soon. There is no perfect answer here, and no guaranteed results. You just have to make a move and deal with what comes next. Postponing it doesn’t help. Go past it.


the empress tarot card, showing a female person in a long patterned dress and crown, seated on a throne in the middle of a field

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Love rules your world this week, Sag! Family, friends, romantic interests, even pets – you should spend as much time as possible with those you love and love. The Empress reminds us that the best things in life are free, so indulge in healthy activities. Everything is there to draw from, whenever you want.


the tarot card the ace of wands, showing a white hand emerging from a cloud, holding a giant wooden wand

Getty/Plateau Rider-Waite/Raydene Salinas Hansen

It’s time to introduce something new to your world, Cap, as seen in the inspiring Ace of Wands. Aces always signal a new beginning, and this one is related to travel, creative projects, lifestyle changes, and/or education. So where do you want to start? The only criterion is that it must be something exciting and inspiring. Choose the ~thing~ and do it!


the Nine of Cups tarot card, showing a person in a white robe and red hat sitting with his arms crossed in front of a high table on which nine golden cups are placed

Getty/Plateau Rider-Waite/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Congratulations, Aquarius, because the Nine of Cups is a great card about wish fulfillment. You can manifest something sincere and positive in your world this week. You just have to show what is the universe you want, and take a clear step towards it. The cosmos will see what you are looking for and help you with unexpected good fortune and opportunity. Start realizing your dream.


the tarot card the ace of cups, showing a white hand reaching skyward, holding a golden cup a dove holding a small white circle dives into the cup, sending four jets of water into a pond full of water lilies

Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite Bridge

A new love is in the air, Pisces! The Ace of Cups promises movie-like passion and romance. Sign me up! If you are single, pay attention to other water signs (Scorpio, Cancer or other Pisces). If you’re attached, host THE best date night ever. I promise it will go wonderfully and rekindle all those flames.

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