Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot Prediction October 18-24, What’s Ahead For Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius & Other Zodiac Signs

ARIES (March 21 – April 20)

Your charm is working overtime, no one can resist the charisma you exude. On the career side, you have the impression that those around you are more capable of accomplishing things. Supported by Force, your colleagues take advantage of an energy that you lack. You are represented by the Hermit who encourages you to let others guide you.

Lucky number: 12

Lucky color: Dark gray

To like: The world

Mood: Strength

Career: the hermit

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)

The combination of the Hermit and the Devil indicates possessive and jealous love. Try to demand a little less, your relationship will be more harmonious. The combination of
Temperance and the Wheel of Fortune are signs that your projects are accelerating. You are not far from reaping the rewards of hard work. Some of you might qualify for a bonus.

Lucky number: 6

Lucky color: Green

To like: The devil

Mood: The wheel of fortune

Career: Temperance

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

What a strange combination for your love life this week – Hermit encourages you to be secretive and the Empress opens the doors of communication – looks like you can expect mood swings from your partner. On the job side, everything is going wonderfully well! The Wheel of Fortune brings you personal drive and opportunity, the Empress promises a great time to connect with people who could help you advance your career.

Lucky number: 2

Lucky color: Pink

To like: the hermit

Mood: The Empress

Career: The wheel of fortune

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

The Magician and the Empress encourage you to move forward with charm and spontaneity, especially in love. If you’re in a serious relationship, openly express your feelings for each other. Diplomacy is your forte at work as indicated by the Emperor and Empress’ alliance. On the health side, nothing to worry about.

Lucky number: 3

Lucky color: Yellow

To like: The magician

Mood: The Empress

Career: The emperor

LEO (July 23 – August 23)

Justice on the love front is likely to clear up misunderstandings, develop harmonious unity. Change is in the air on the work front, but you are not driving it. The strong will of the Chariot, under the influence of the reserved hermit, allows others to take the necessary steps to conclude the projects in which you have participated.

Lucky number: seven

Lucky color: Cream

To like: Justice

Mood: Carriage

Career: the hermit

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23)

You are likely to find yourself glowing from within. The association of the Sun and Temperance guarantees harmony, marital and blissful happiness. You are in a good mood and nothing is clouding your academic outlook. At work, success is at the rendezvous! The Fool and the Sun give it to you on a silver platter, with all the moral or financial reward that goes with it. This is your moment of glory, enjoy it! Your popularity is set to grow this week.

Lucky number: 11

Lucky color: Lavender

To like: Temperance

Mood: The sun

Career: The idiot

LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)

Hermit and Judgment signal readiness to express feelings for someone special and to overcome feelings of loneliness that bother you late. The Sun promises new sources of income, and Hermit suggests that you plan your investments wisely. Your tact, your sense of words will probably move you up the corporate ladder. An incredible offer on the property front is possible; just be a little patient.

Lucky number: 8

Lucky color: Gray

To like: The jugement

Mood: the hermit

Career: The sun

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)

When it comes to love life, you can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. After fighting to preserve your freedom, under the joint influence of the Magician and the Fool, you are ready to throw yourself headlong into love. At work, Temperance ensures the support of your colleagues, making everything flow smoothly. Old people are likely to rely on your skills and give you power, authority.

Lucky number: 17

Lucky color: White

To like: The idiot

Mood: The magician

Career: Temperance

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 23)

You have full confidence in the power of love. Your magnetic charm makes you shine both inside and out. Guided by your lucky stars, you project a quiet strength that draws people to you. In your work environment, the confrontation between Justice and Force reactivates certain practical issues. The choices may seem difficult but you would be able to restore the required balance. Students are likely to stay ahead and display excellence in academics.

Lucky number: 1

Lucky color: The Peach

To like: The star

Mood: Strength

Career: Justice

CAPRICORN (December 24 – January 20)

Surprises, unexpected encounters, intuition, relaxed conviviality, everything comes together to make it a perfect moment in love life. Under the umbrella of Judgment, Heirophant, you might receive a proposal from the one you love. In the professional field, make the most of the ideas that come to you. Under the influence of death, judgment, the mind is alert, the intuition sharp to let anyone take you for a ride financially.

Lucky number: 4

Lucky color: Blue

To like: The Heriophant

Mood: The jugement

Career: Death

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19)

If you dreamed of a romantic dinner for two, you might be surprised. In your professional life, Fools and Lovers make you think before you start. A good relationship with seniors at work can be expected in the second half of the week. Students entering competitions must concentrate. Those planning to travel overseas will likely find things are falling into place.

Lucky number: seven

Lucky color: White

To like: The Heriophant

Mood: The idiot

Career: Lovers

PISCES (February 20 – March 20)

The Strength and Sun cards make your relationship grow in passion, whether you’ve been together for a long time or not. At work, you will be in great shape. The Empress gives you all the determination and intelligence you need to turn the situation to your advantage. Students must be careful not to burn out, but to maintain their momentum! Impromptu spending may still be unable to deter your financial stature.

Lucky number: 15

Lucky color: Green

To like: The sun

Mood: Strength

Career: The Empress

(Manisha Koushik is a renowned tarot card reader and astrologer. She can be reached at: +91-9650015920; Email: [email protected]; Website: www.askmanisha.com)

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