What does the Wheel of Fortune tarot card mean?

WHEN the wheel of fortune card is in front of you during a tarot reading, it means big changes are afoot.

The wheel on the card represents the cyclical nature of the universe, and the animals and symbols around it are the forces that drive our lives.


The Wheel of Fortune tarot card represents fate and abundance

What does the Wheel of Fortune tarot card mean?

If the Wheel of Fortune is straightening up in front of you, good news: according to the experts at Biddy Tarot, you are likely to have a positive twist of fate in the near future.

The card represents prosperity and the journey towards your destiny.

Remember to treat people well, even if your good fortune quickly moves you up the ranks.

The wheel of fortune is a card with strong karmic energy and it indicates that your treatment of others will one day come back to you.

Remember that change can be difficult, even if it’s for the greater good.

When you draw the wheel of fortune, it is a sign to stay optimistic and keep moving forward.

This is especially true in the area of ​​money and relationships, where this card can represent an opportunity to set aside some extra savings for a future emergency or end a toxic relationship to make way for better things.

Finally, the wheel of fortune can bring you good luck in the form of friends.

Drawing this card is a sign to allow others to help you, especially in matters of health and well-being.

Don’t be afraid to sit down and let others take care of you.

What are the Major Arcana Tarot cards?

The idiot – Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit

The magician – manifestation, ingenuity, power

The High Priestess – intuition, sacred knowledge, divine feminine

The Empress – Femininity, beauty, nature

The emperor – authority, establishment, structure

The Hierophant – spiritual wisdom

Lovers – love, harmony, relationships

Carriage – control, will, success

Justice – fairness, truth, right

Strength – strength, courage, influence

the hermit – introspection, inner guidance

Wheel of Fortune – good luck, karma, life cycles

The hanged man – to pause, surrender, let go

Death – endings, change, transitions

Temperance – balance, moderation, patience

The devil – shadow me, dependence, restriction

Tower – sudden change, upheaval, chaos

The star – hope, faith, purpose, spirituality

The moon – illusion, fear, anxiety

The sun – positivity, fun, warmth, success

Judgement – rebirth, inner call

The world – completion, accomplishment, journey

What does the reversed Wheel of Fortune tarot card mean?

Since the Wheel of Fortune card represents luck when upright, flipping the card means the opposite.

If this card is reversed, it means you have to be prepared for bad luck.

The good news is that the bad luck signified by this card is usually a chance to take control of your own life, and the disruption it represents is temporary.

Any bad luck signaled by this card is part of your journey towards your destiny.

If you have resisted change in your own life, drawing an inverted wheel of fortune is a red flag to do the hardest thing and lean into change.

Take a close look at your previous decisions and decide if they may be the root of your current problems.

Then use that introspection to lead you towards your destiny, which this card represents however you turn it.

What are the keywords of the Wheel of Fortune tarot cards?

According to Biddy Tarot, the Wheel of Fortune card is associated with luck, karma, life cycles, fate, and turning points.

When the card is reversed, it is linked to bad luck, resistance to change and breaking cycles.

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