Temperance tarot card meanings for love, career and finances

The Major Arcana Tarot cards represent life lessons and karmic stages we go through on our soul’s journey to knowledge.

Although the meaning of each Tarot card is different, they represent important phases of our life.

The journey through the major arcana will include 22 cards, each with its own meaning for each person. A tarot reader can help you figure each one out on your own.

The Temperance Tarot card is all about finding that sweet spot, allowing you to live your best life as your most authentic self.

Temperance tarot card meaning

Right: Balance, moderation, inner peace, healthy relationship, soul mate relationships

Reverse: Imbalance, chaos, closed-mindedness, lack of hindsight and concern for oneself or others

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What does the Temperance Tarot card represent?

In a tarot reading, temperance always represents a space of balance and peace in our lives, which is a welcome sign after going through the challenges we encounter on our path.

Temperance itself means moderation in thought, feeling or action, which means we are able to practice pause.

Temperance is when we pause to reflect and consider the effects of an action before taking it, especially in stressful situations. This translates into a proactive intentional life versus a reactive life, where we have to figure out how to deal with the things that have already happened.

This is what defines peace; living a peaceful life means we don’t wait for that proverbial “other shoe to drop”, and instead we know we are doing our best every day.

Peace is only the result of a balanced life. Once we actually practice temperance, we end up living an inherently more balanced life. Simply put, the card signifies balance in all areas of your life.

This energy is what the Temperance card represents in the Tarot, and why it’s such a breath of fresh air in any reading.

The image on this card is of a large angel both male and female, representing this important aspect of balance. This, along with the placement of the angel’s feet one in water and one on dry land, completes the picture of finding the right balance that the card signifies.

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On the robe, the angel wears a triangle and a square, which represents that humans are earth bound by natural law. With one foot on the rocks and the other in the water, she represents the need to be grounded yet still flowing in life.

Behind the angel is a mountain with a winding path, signifying the journey of the soul through life.

The golden crown above signifies enlightenment and the higher self that staying on the path allows us to embrace.

Meaning of right temperance

If we receive the Temperance Tarot card in a spread or tarot reading, it means that we are being guided to take a balanced approach to a difficult situation, or that we have reached the other side of a difficult time in our lives. .

The card itself is one that contains a positive and uplifting message of peace, compromise, harmony and love. It carries with it an encouragement to embrace our higher selves as much as possible, as it allows us to follow our path with greater purpose.

Embracing our higher selves means we incorporate more mindfulness and awareness into our daily lives, changing the way we respond to triggers that may arise. It’s the difference between lashing out in anger and pausing, breathing and deciding if we should react at all.

Although we can’t really control what happens to us, we can still control how we react. This is a reminder to incorporate this more into our lives and realize that we have overcome this difficulty.

Temperance reveals that we have found our inner peace through acceptance, moderation, and pause in our reactions. Not only does this allow, but temperance reminds us to walk a path of balance.

Vertical Temperance Tarot Meaning for Love and Relationships

The Temperance Tarot card means that we will work through any conversations or difficult times with our partner so that we can bring more peace and harmony.

But it also means that the relationship we are or will be in, depending on the other cards and the specific situation, will be loving, balanced, long-lasting, and healthy.

Receiving temperance is an indicator of welcoming and creating space for a loving relationship for our higher selves. While this was traditionally known as a soul mate relationship, its more modern equivalent is a twin flame dynamic coming together.

Temperance is about harmony, beauty and balance. Receiving this means that we have also done a lot of personal work to welcome this type of relationship into our lives.

Vertical Temperance Tarot Meaning for Career

Receiving Temperance in the upright position means we are encouraged to seize the opportunities that present themselves now. But with Temperance, as much as this card encourages us to act now, we are asked to be observant and patient.

In order to make the career changes we need, we also need to know which ones to take and which ones to pass on. This card comes to make us aware of the opportunities that surround us, but also encourages us to be aware of the path we choose.

Vertical Temperance Tarot Meaning for Finances

Upright Temperance means that we have done well in our finances and should continue on the same path.

Even though we are not exactly where we want to be in terms of finances, receiving the Temperance card means that we have acted with thought and logic. It reminds us, however, not to take any risks with investments and not to overspend.

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Meaning of Reverse Temperance

As with many tarot cards, the reversed temperance has the opposite meaning of the upright card.

Inverted temperance means imbalance, chaos and lack of sound decisions. It means overindulgence in one or more areas of life.

Think of it as an uncentered pendulum. In many areas of our lives – whether in relationships, spending, eating or drinking – we feel like our pendulum is swinging far right or far left.

In this state we either abuse or abstain, neither path bringing balance. Creating and having balance means that we have given up living in extremes and instead our pendulum is centered in ourselves, creating that balanced outer life that we long for.

Receiving this card can also mean that relationships with those around you may be strained or unhealthy, so it encourages you to take a step back (a pause) and reevaluate.

Reverse Temperance Tarot Meaning for Love and Relationships

If we receive this reverse card in a love reading, it means that the relationship we are in or are thinking of entering into is unbalanced, and probably quite chaotic and unhealthy.

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This means that substance abuse or physical abuse is present, as well as personality disorders such as narcissism. There are also likely significant arguments and discord in the relationship, with neither partner fully accepting the other for who they are and trying to change them.

If you’re single and receive this reverse card, it just means making sure you’re letting your potential love interest come to you and not chasing or forcing something that’s not meant to be.

Reverse Temperance Tarot Meaning for Career

If we receive Temperance reversed in a career read, it means something is currently out of balance.

Whether we are in the wrong position, working too hard, or trying to achieve something without a sense of integrity, it means we are not currently aligned with our highest truth for our sake and the sake of others. everyone involved.

He calls us not to fill emotional voids with physical things and to try to reconnect with our inner selves so that we can give ourselves what we really need.

Reverse Temperance Tarot Meaning for Finances

Reverse Temperance is similar to Upright in terms of finances as it warns us not to overspend or take unnecessary risks.

That doesn’t mean it’s because our investments will fail, but because this card teaches us that patience and moderation are the keys to success, especially with money.

Temperance also asks us to investigate all the financial investments we can, ensuring that they can be successful and that we are not looking for a “get rich quick” scheme. Recognize the energy associated with money and hold onto it instead of rushing carelessly.

Dominant zodiac sign of the Temperance tarot card

There is quite a bit of discussion about which zodiac sign most aligns with temperance. Some think that Taurus or Sagittarius are the dominant sign; however, historically it is linked to the water sign of Pisces.

The ruling planet of this tarot card is Jupiter, the former ruler of Pisces. At the time the Tarot was created, it was the only known association, so although it is not a predominant water sign, it lacks the earth side to be associated with Taurus, or fire which connects Sagittarius to the Chariot card.

Pisces is a sign symbolized by two fish. We are told that these are two fish swimming in opposite directions; however, it is one of only two signs (the other being Sagittarius) connected to both the earthly and spiritual realms. This is symbolized on the Temperance card by the angel having one foot on the ground and the other in the water.

This water sign is known for its peace and calm, which is what the vertical temperance chart signifies, and as excess alcohol or substances when reversed, something Pisces should always remain aware of.

Together, Pisces and Temperance help us see the importance of balance and taking a break from life before reacting. So whatever choice we make will be that of our higher, more aware selves.

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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologer, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of his work, visit his website.