Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot Prediction November 22-28, What to Expect for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius & Other Zodiac Signs

ARIES (March 21 – April 20)

Initiatives taken on the work front are likely to earn you the appreciation of those who matter. A crucial mission can make you spend more hours on the academic front. Romantic thoughts can bring a song to your lips! Keeping track of your expenses would be important so you don’t go over budget. Don’t disappoint anyone who expects your help on the social front. A lucrative business transaction is likely to raise your morale.

To like: Knight of Cups

Mood: eight of swords

Career: nine of cups

Lucky number: 8

Lucky color: Green

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)

A free hand on the work front would help you handle things the way you want. Be generous in giving someone a chance to prove their skill. Intermediaries are likely to earn a handsome commission. A good time is indicated for singles because finding a suitable match is possible. Health is no problem. Your ideas may not go down too well on the social front. A thoughtful gift from someone is likely to put a smile on your face.

To like: Strength

Mood: Hermit

Career: seven of wands

Lucky number: 15

Lucky color: crimson

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

Reviewing your investments would be good at this stage to get the most out of your money. Taking the necessary steps to delegate responsibilities on the work front would be a step in the right direction. Job seekers may need to hone their skills to please the interviewer. Not listening to advice or suggestions on the domestic front can strain your relationships with elders in the family. Those looking for a change of scenery may need to start planning quickly.

To like: king of coins

Mood: The world

Career: Mugs page

Lucky number: 22

Lucky color: Navy blue

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

You may need to go the extra mile to support your lover. Staying health conscious can be a boon to staying fit and energetic. Arrears or money from an unexpected source promise to fill your coffers. Students are likely to perform very well academically. Your job performance is likely to make you a favorite with your superiors. You may feel spiritually inclined and take action to expel negative vibes.

To like: queen of cups

Mood: six of chopsticks

Career: king of wands

Lucky number: 1

Lucky color: light brown

LEO (July 23 – August 23)

Your opinion will be important in looming developments on the labor front. Organizing something on the social front might keep you busy. Enjoying the company of a loved one is not to be ruled out romantically. A vacation may be postponed for an unforeseen reason. Your academic aspirations will likely be fulfilled soon. Finding suitable housing would be a respite for those trying to settle in a new city.

To like: Ace of coins

Mood: wands page

Career: knight of swords

Lucky number: 6

Lucky color: water green

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23)

Tact and diplomacy will help boost your relationships in general. Carelessness at work threatens to affect your performance. Good management skills would be the key to handling the pressure on the business front. Those with a medical condition are likely to progress to improvement now. Someone can capture your full attention on the love front. You would be instrumental in resolving a long-outstanding property issue out of court. Some changes in diet would be beneficial to regain good health.

To like: three of pieces

Mood: The Empress

Career: eight of swords

Lucky number: 3

Lucky color: Saffron

LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)

A balanced approach is the need of the hour, so don’t go to extremes. Something you initiated at home will earn praise from the family. The lover will fully maintain your romantic mood, so enjoy the togetherness to the end! You are likely to be in the limelight professionally. Achieving the impossible is in store for some on the academic front. A short break is possible from a certain routine.

To like: ace of wand

MWell : Parts page

Career: queen of swords

Lucky number: 11

Lucky color: Yellow

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)

Exceptional negotiation skills are likely to swing a deal commercially in your favor. Additional powers may be added for those working in the government sector. You will need to stay on solid ground regarding an issue on the love front, so be thorough. Lucrative opportunities are likely to materialize on the academic front. Something you’ve prepared for on the social front is likely to garner praise. Health remains good. The travel bug can bite some and get you moving.

To like: Two of Cups

Mood: eight of pieces

Career: Eight of Cups

Lucky number: 18

Lucky color: Lemon

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 23)

Taking time off from work seems hard, but you will get through it one way or another. All in all, it will be a good time to nurture your relationships with superiors. Your academic performance is likely to improve. Consistent effort is likely to ensure a stable financial front that you will cherish. A favor done to someone on the social front is likely to be returned in a good gesture. Reigniting the love life is important at this stage to avoid stagnation. The weather is favorable if you plan to buy a new vehicle.

To like: ten of chopsticks

Mood: six pieces

Career: king of wands

Lucky number: 4

Lucky color: dark turquoise

CAPRICORN (December 24 – January 20)

A marked improvement in health is indicated for those who have been suffering for some time. Your efforts to impress those who matter professionally will likely pay off. Something desired on the academic front is likely to be within your reach. Taking steps to rejuvenate your love life is likely to bring excitement back into your life. Excellent prospects are planned for the acquisition of a property. A celebration on the home front may be in sight.

To like: four of chopsticks

Mood: three of cups

Career: ten pieces

Lucky number: 22

Lucky color: Navy blue

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19)

Someone’s good performance shouldn’t put you under pressure on the work front. Good networking skills will likely help you build strong connections. Avoid trying your luck in betting or speculation. Health needs attention. A classmate is likely to help you get rid of some doubts. Your worries remain groundless on the love front. Wedding dates can be set for those eligible. Some changes on the home front could be initiated.

To like: The Heriophant

Mood: seven of pieces

Career: knight of swords

Lucky number: 5

Lucky color: Dark green

PISCES (February 20 – March 20)

You’re probably on cloud nine this week! Although there are many things that will keep you busy at work, but some of you may also hear about an assessment. Someone will probably thank you many times over for your help. You will feel an emotional connection with someone who has fallen in love with you, is romance knocking at the door? Making mistakes in your enthusiasm will be overlooked by seniors on the academic front. An exotic travel plan appears to be in the works.

To like: Lovers

Mood: The sun

Career: Ace of coins

Lucky number: seven

Lucky color: The Peach

(Manisha Koushik is a renowned tarot card reader and astrologer. She can be reached at: +91-9650015920; Email: [email protected]; Website: www.askmanisha.com)

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