Your Tarot Card Reading Brings Good News This Week

Photo credit: property of Hearst

You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your sun sign! Here’s what I do: shuffle my tarot deck and take out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus a general card for everyone so you can get specific advice on your personality. Let’s go!


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

Well well well. It looks like we’re all going to feel safe, secure, and joyful in our relationships with others this week! The Two of Cups is a beautiful card about the positive force of good relationships with friends, family, lovers, and even co-workers. Mutually supportive, kind and caring relationships make us feel valued. Be sure to tell your loved ones how much you love them this week!


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

The Three of Pentacles shows that you are admired, respected and noticed. An influencer is getting ready to make you an offer, give you an opportunity, give you a promotion, or invite you to something wonderful. Be confident and visible this week. The more you ~promote~ yourself, the sooner you will find this new path. You deserve it!


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

Did you know that The Sun is the most positive tarot card? It’s true. So it’s going to be a great week, Taurus. Expect to expand your horizons, perhaps even with international travel! Be confident, showcase your strengths, apply for exciting opportunities. Whatever you do, be bold. Anything you activate now will succeed. Dark!


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

Permission granted, Gemini, to embark on a bold and exciting adventure. Do what you want to do, no matter what someone says (or how their face changes when you share your news). This map consists of following an authentic route that you find fascinating. There is no doubt that it will be difficult in the end, but for the moment everything depends on the optimism of the beginning phase. Have high hopes!


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

The Emperor focuses your attention on the power dynamics within your circle of influence. Are they balanced, fair and positive? Are you emotionally aware and kind in all of your relationships? Do you find others authoritarian or controlling? Are you close to someone who needs support? Think about where you can make adjustments, offer compassion, raise awareness, or even walk away. Positive changes are needed and will bring tremendous relief and release.


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

Leo, make a wish with the glowing Nine of Cups. Anything is possible this week. You just need to consciously make overt moves in the direction of your ambition. You can accomplish so much more than you think is possible, and good fortune will flow if you are direct about your desires. Things can happen quickly, so don’t delay. Opportunities, openings and invitations will come your way.


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

The star is a magic card about setting a new intention. Think of an inspiring long-term goal. Clarify what it looks like, make a plan of action, plan your steps, and walk away with high hopes. It can be a long-term innovation or even an invention that will bring you rewards. You are smart, insightful and practical. Put your skills to good use.


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

The trick to the frustrating situation you’ve encountered recently is to change your perspective. When you change your mind, your situation also changes. The Hanged Man invites you to look at things from other perspectives, ask for feedback, and examine all angles. When you do, you’ll understand why your situation has stalled and you’ll unlock the solution to get things moving again.


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

You have a long term strategy to get what you want. You are not interested in immediate gains or gratification, as you realize that anything worthwhile usually requires sacrifice and sustained effort. The Nine of Pentacles shows you breaking down a major goal into mini milestones and spreading them out over the next year or so. This is an important ambition, requiring constant focus and investment. And everything will be fine, I promise you.


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

You are a wise soul who understands the motivations of others well. You have an instinct to understand people’s behavior, as well as the warmth and kindness to handle them well. People confide in you. Your family trusts you. Friends ask you for advice. It’s all in play this week with the King of Cups magnet. You feel valued, useful and trustworthy. Celebrate being so good to those you love and love.


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

It’s time to start something new, exciting and inspiring, Capricorn. It can be a hobby, a job or a habit. Either way, activate a new interest and bring it formally into your life. Make a plan and work it into your schedule. The ace of wand shows that this thing is perfect for you, so only do what really inspires you. It will be worth it


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

Put it behind you, Aquarius. The Five of Pentacles serves as a chance to draw a line in the sand between the past and the future. Stop dwelling on sad memories and torturing yourself with them. what ifs. Let it go, forgive yourself (and/or forgive others) and move on. We all screw up sometimes. We all go there. May this sadness fade away.


Photo credit: property of Hearst

Photo credit: property of Hearst

Whatever you are doing right now has the potential to lead to a true blissful forever scenario for you! Continue like that! The Ten of Pentacles is about long-term security, prosperity, success, love, family, and joy. You are creating foundations that will sustain you throughout your life. Either way, think long term. Think of wealth versus money. Think love versus romance. Keep building, because it might last.

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