Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot Prediction September 13-19, What’s Ahead For Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius & Other Zodiac Signs

SPIRITUAL MESSAGE: Yes, relaxation is the most complex phenomenon. All of these things are part of it: letting go, trusting, surrendering, loving, accepting, going with the flow… It’s all part of it and starts to happen if you learn the ways of relaxation, says Osho, the Zen

READ ALSO: Daily horoscope: astrological prediction for September 13, what awaits us for Aries, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and the other signs of the zodiac

ARIES (March 21 – April 20)

You tend to imagine the worst by thinking negatively and constantly torturing yourself this week! Professional ventures and business agreements should be complemented by creative and intelligent management of different energies. You can expect business plans to change, so be flexible and innovative. You must learn from past experiences and move forward with wisdom and maturity. Accept difficult situations in the moment and go with the flow.

Lucky number: 9 Good color: Rainbow pastels

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)

You’re feeling frustrated this week because the big ideas you’ve pumped a lot of energy into don’t seem to be working according to plan. However, things are not as bad as they seem, be realistic to achieve your goals. The business disruption is temporary. New plans, opportunities and collaborations should be explored as they arise.
update in the near future. Reshaping structures, changing systems could be the answer for a streamlined and productive business. Personal relationships are loving if you let go of expectations and judgments.

Lucky number: 10 Good color: scarlet

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

A young and beautiful influence enters your life this week. You are rejuvenating energy and embarking on new professional or business ventures. You are at your creative best and have the ability to be original and the courage to be different in both personal and professional aspects. You are likely to collaborate with foreign partners or be involved in an international project that brings out your potential. A girl or young woman close to you is ready to make independent decisions about her future.

Lucky number: 9 Good color: Brown

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

The sword of creativity cuts through clouds of confusion, brings crystal clarity in work situations and detachment in destructive relationships. You use this great sword to move away from negative situations and towards professional goals. Intellectual activity, brainstorming, decision-making, and artistic pursuits are lucrative and satisfying. You are in tune with existence and in rhythm with life – accept this great gift and share it with your loved ones.

Lucky number: 1 Good Color: Emerald green

LEO (July 23 – August 23)

You are making a quality truce in the ongoing conflicts at work and at home. There is peace after war this week! There is mental clarity after a period of chaos, leading to positive changes in personal and professional aspects. You are recovering from an illness that may have bothered you. You are more relaxed at work, happier at home than you have been for some time. You establish an intellectual authority, you make yourself respected in your field of work during a congress or a seminar.

Lucky number: 4 Good color: Forest greens

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23)

Communication is the name of your game this week, so don’t be afraid to speak your mind. People who matter appreciate your professional skills and wisdom. You tend to be mentally stressed, to over-analyze situations. Messages, contracts from abroad, business transactions and meetings keep you busy. Children, loved ones and family bring joy and celebration. It’s best not to confuse or complicate situations more than they already are. Don’t wait for people and opportunities to come to you, meet them halfway.

Lucky Number: 1 Good Color: Royal Blue

LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)

You could benefit from a relaxing break this week that rejuvenates your energy and your personal relationship. A special work assignment brings a lot of success and visibility. Your online social life is sparkling as you connect with well-known personalities and fun-loving people. Focus on the priorities, values, and relationships that are important or you might confuse yourself and others. Communications and gifts can arrive unexpectedly. Living totally in the moment and going with the flow are great virtues.

Lucky number: 6 Good color: Saffron

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)

Family, friends and loved ones connect with you to share memorable occasions. You regain health and vigor to indulge in sporting hobbies and busy work schedules. Be wary of overeating, drinking or working out as you tend to ignore warning signs. You are lucky with business transactions and you have everything to gain in financial transactions. A positive and creative approach to family issues heals old wounds. Beware of a pretentious person who takes advantage of your good reputation and goodwill.

Lucky number: 9 Good color: Pink Lotus

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 23)

Trust your intuition and follow your feelings, rather than listening to your mind and logic this week. Ignore gossip or slander in the work area, as things change very quickly. You may be separated for a short time from a loved one and feel the pain of absence. Avoid snoops who tend to pry into your private affairs. It is advisable to separate professional and personal situations, otherwise there may be confusion. Meditation and yoga are recommended to avoid stress and health problems.

Lucky number: 5 Good Color: White

CAPRICORN (December 24 – January 20)

Give yourself the gift of responding totally to everything that happens, as it happens in life! Infighting can be detrimental to production in business or harmony at home. Avoid cruel and violent people, as they tend to make fun of you over irrelevant topics. Friends, family and loved ones stand together. Your personal affairs may take time to settle, be patient. A Leo person lends energy and resources to your business. Financial complications can be expected. Beware of an unwanted visitor or admirer who might take advantage of you.

Lucky number: 5 Good color: Old pink

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19)

Youthful energy is infused into professional endeavors and passion into personal relationships this week. You are subtle and prefer to mask deep emotions with a calm surface. You drive projects forward with dynamic energy toward completion and financial gain. You regain a position of power that was lost in the past. Personal relationships are deep, loving now. Beware of a secretive and cunning young man who cares about power and can be ruthless in achieving it. Excessive ambition or obsession can lead you into troubled waters at this point.

Lucky number: 5 Good color: Turquoise

PISCES (February 20 – March 20)

Personal conflicts are resolved and family situations healed. An increase and decrease in finance and business can be expected before arriving at a stable position. Since you can be carried away by enthusiasm, it is best to maintain a careful balance between yin and yang energies. You are now able to work in an unrestricted space. Trust your intuition about people and situations. Women play an important role in your life. It is best to avoid extremes in food, spending, emotions, and other areas of life to maintain inner and outer balance.

Lucky number: 2 good color: sky blue.

(My Prem Ritambhara has been professionally reading tarot cards in Mumbai, Pune, Zurich and New Delhi for 15 years and continues to do so from her studio at her home in New Delhi. Her clientele comes from all over the world, from all walks of life , and she reads cards, predicts, counsels and heals professionals, business people, men, women, children, students and couples. She does individual and group readings. Contact her at ritambhara7 @gmail.com.)

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